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Submit a Suggestion

Share your suggestions regarding any of TDRA's services, initiatives, or events

Start service
Dispute resolution with service providers

Submit a complaint about service providers (Etisalat, du) regarding mobile services, data, landlines or others

Start service
Custom Release Permit for Telecom Devices

Through this service, TDRA issues custom release permits for telecommunications equipment in the UAE

Start service
NOC for Practicing E-Activity

TDRA provides NOC for practicing e-activity to individuals and businesses that wish to practice an activity of an economic nature on the Internet in the UAE, through websites, applications or social media accounts.

Start service
Register Telecom Supplier

Registration of manufacturers and suppliers wishing to trade in telecommunications equipment in the UAE

Start service

Inquire about any of TDRA's services or initiatives, or follow-up on existing requests

Start service
Submit a Suggestion

Share your suggestions regarding any of TDRA's services, initiatives, or events

Start service
File a Complaint

Submit a complaint about TDRA services, service channels or others

Start service
Dispute resolution with service providers

Submit a complaint about service providers (Etisalat, du) regarding mobile services, data, landlines or others

Start service
Custom Release Permit for Telecom Devices

Through this service, TDRA issues custom release permits for telecommunications equipment in the UAE

Start service
UX Experience Testing - UX LAB

This service allowed the government entities to apply for the User Experience Testing - UX Lab request provided by TDRA.

Start service
Block or Unblock Websites

The prohibited content is defined as any content that is contrary to the public interest, public morality, public order, public and national security, Islam morality or is otherwise prohibited by any applicable UAE law, regulation, procedure, order or requirement, as more specifically described in each of the Prohibited Content Categories, Here. The service allows customers to request that service providers block or unblock websites violating UAE laws.

Start service
Request exception from blocking system

Through the service, government entities can request approval from TDRA to be exempted from the blocking system applied by telecom service providers

Start service
Issue Wireless Authorizations

Through this service, TDRA issues wireless services authorizations to government, business and individuals

Start service
Modify Wireless Authorization

Through this service, TDRA modifies wireless services authorizations to government, business and individuals

Start service
Renew Wireless Authorization

Through this service, TDRA renews wireless services authorizations to government, business and individuals

Start service
Cancel Wireless Authorization

Through this service, TDRA cancels wireless services authorizations

Start service
Providing Cloud Infrastructure (IaaS)

Providing convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g. networks, servers and storage), with a centralized deployment model, compute and storage resources enabling rapid service provision and launch with minimal management effort or interaction with service provider. The overall objective is to create a more agile federal enterprise where services can be provisioned on demand to meet government compute requirements. The service provides the following features: - Data migration feature (self-service): linking the government entity with FedNet so that the entity's business can be migrated from its location to FedNet using VMware Cloud Migration tools - The entity's infrastructure must be compatible with VMware technology - VPN feature (Self-Service): The secure virtual networking (VPN) feature within FedNet cloud enables the entity's employees to benefit from their corporate services remotely. In addition, the feature can be utilized as a site to site VPN termination point for the entities to connect to FedNet.

Start service
Email as a Service

Providing Email as a service to government entities, using Microsoft Exchange This service provides a self-portal for entities to manage their mail account

Start service
Activate a Government Service on the Federal Network

FedNet provides connectivity between government entities for the purpose of exchanging and sharing data, which would save the entities the costs of direct connection with each entity independently.

Start service
Network Technical Support Service

Providing technical support to the beneficiaries of FedNet services. This service is available to the entity by default as soon as it enrolls on any of FedNet services.

Start service
Data Backup (BaaS)

Data backup aims at the protection of government entities' virtual data centers hosted on FedNet or their data. This service provides a platform for entities to manage backup processes.

Start service
Disaster Recovery as a Service

Disaster recovery service enables entities to protect the systems hosted in their digital infrastructure or on the FedNet to be protected in another location far from the government entity's location. The service provides the entity with the flexibility to protect its critical virtual systems, and reduce the overall cost. Additionally, users can implement disaster recovery drills in their environment without referring to the FedNet team, to ensure availability and compliance with business continuity standards.

Start service
Government Service Bus (GSB)

It is a system that allows government entities to exchange data smoothly and provide their services in an integrated way. The system meets the customer's needs to get the service without moving from one entity to another.

Start service
Technical Consultancy Service For Government Entities

This service provides technical consultancy to government entities to solve technical issues via expert technical teams of TDRA. It highlights challenges facing government entities and provides related suggestions and solutions.

Start service

The service provides a tool for composing surveys for the government entity. That tool enables the entity to reach the target audience and allows the public to provide their opinions easily and transparently.

Start service
Information Security Awareness Sessions

The service provides government entities with awareness lectures on different subjects of cybersecurity. It aims to make the public aware of the best practices in this field and related risks.

Start service
Private Dedicated Connectivity

TDRA provides two types of connectivity to connect government entities to FedNet. Private dedicated connectivity is encrypted and used to link government entities via a private network with high standards, while virtual private networking is made online via FedNet. Connectivity is made upon the requirements of the applicant and in coordination with FedNet.

Start service
Request to Provide Digital Participation Tools

It is assisting government entities to adopt digital participation tools provided to implement the principles of the UAE digital government. The service allows entities to use an interactive platform to develop services, policies and projects based on the feedback of the public.

Start service
High performance internet gateway

This service provides secure internet to all federal government entities through a dual internet service provider, which allows for higher productivity. This service provides a unified internet connection within federal entities. The Federal Network is the main internet service provider for federal entities, which guarantees a service availability by 99.99% throughout the year

Start service
Request for Linking To UAE PASS

Providing consultancy service to government entities regarding linking to the UAE Pass for purpose of digital transformation in the UAE

Start service
Malware Analysis

The service allows federal government entities to analyze malware and receive reports on the behavior of such software

Start service
Endpoint Protection

Providing a security system hosted in FedNet cloud services, installed in the servers and computers of the government entity. This system provides protection for the endpoints and devices of the entities by providing a mechanism that prevents the attacker from misusing servers and computers and sending alerts in the event of any hacking attempts. These systems can also be used for detecting intrusions that have already occurred.

Start service
Phishing Assessment

Measuring the extent to which employees respond to fraudulent messages, by sending fake messages and persuading them to send their private information or open links and attachments. A report is provided to the entity on who opened the email and clicked on the link, and who provided their private information. The report helps in assessing the level of employees awareness on security risks

Start service
Report a Cyber Incident

This service allowed the government entities to report an incident to be investigated by the TDRA team.

Start service
Penetration Testing

Evaluating the security practices at the level of the digital infrastructure and digital services of government entities, by searching for security vulnerabilities and trying to use them to access data and internal environment, and then providing a report to the entity about the vulnerabilities that have been discovered, in order to close them before attackers exploit them

Start service
Digital Forensics Analysis

Providing Forensics Analysis services for any devices or networks hacked or suspected of being hacked, and issuing a Forensics Analysis report with detailed information about what happened, how it happened and who did it.

Start service
Detecting Security Vulnerabilities

This service helps government entities identify security vulnerabilities in servers, networks, and websites and provide them with recommendations on mechanisms for resolving vulnerabilities.

Start service
Providing a Security Incident Management System (SIEM)

Installing a security incident management system in the technical work environments and networks of the government entity, which provides alerts about potential risks, security incidents and vulnerabilities

Start service
Internet of Things Service

A service that allows government entities and companies to obtain approval certificate to conduct Internet of Things services

Start service
NOC for Practicing E-Activity

TDRA provides NOC for practicing e-activity to individuals and businesses that wish to practice an activity of an economic nature on the Internet in the UAE, through websites, applications or social media accounts.

Start service
New Application for Trust Services License

This service aims to issue licenses to trust service providers and qualified trust service providers in the United Arab Emirates.

Start service
Add new service in existing License

This service aims to add a new (qualified) trust service or trust service to a valid TSP or (Q)TSP license.

Start service
Renewal Application for Trust Services License

This service aims to renew licenses to trust service providers and qualified trust service providers in the United Arab Emirates.

Start service
Modify License information

This service aims to amend the administrative and technical data in the (Q)TSP License

Start service
Grievance against authority decision

This service aims to facilitate the submission of grievance against decisions or violation decisions taken by TDRA against (Qualified) Trust Service Providers.

Start service
Cancel a service in existing License

This service enable the cancellation of a (Qualified) Trust Service from a valid license of (Qualified) Trust Service Providers.

Start service
SIM Card Points of Sale Registration

This service facilitates registration of SIM cards Points of Sale (PoS) in the UAE

Start service
Modify data of mobile SIM cards points of sale

Through this service, the applicant can modify the details of SIM Card Point of Sale registration in the UAE.

Start service
Renew Mobile SIM Card Point of Sale Registration

Through this service, the applicant can renew SIM Card Point of Sale Registration in the UAE

Start service
Cancel SIM Card PoS Registration

Through this service, the applicant can cancel SIM Card PoS registration in the UAE

Start service
Allocate Number Resources

Allocating number resources to UAE telecom service providers

Start service
EX Post Competition Complaints

Monitoring and following-up to control the anticompetitive behavior, ending the violations that have been found, and informing the licensee "the complainant" of all the steps that have been taken to correct wrongful practices.

Start service
Price Control Request (PCR)

This service allows telecom service providers in the UAE to obtain a decision from TDRA regarding price control requests for new telecom services in order to ensure fair competition between telecom service providers.

Start service
Public Lands Allocation Recommendation

The service allows telecom service providers to obtain a letter of recommendation from TDRA addressed to the concerned municipalities to approve the allocation of a public plot of land for the construction of relay transmitters of mobile network.

Start service
Request to resolve interconnection disputes between Licensees

Resolving disputes related to interconnection or access to the network between licensees in a sequential and clear manner to settle disputes between them

Start service
Return Number Resources

The service allows telecom service providers to return unused numbers

Start service
License of Certification Service Provider (CSP)

This service includes issuing License of Certification Service Provider (CSP) for local companies in the UAE

Start service
Notification of Foreign Certificate Services Provider

Notification of Foreign Certificate Services Provider

Start service
Renew Notification of Foreign Certificate Services Provider

Renew your Foreign Certificate Services Provider Notification

Start service
Accredited Domain Registrar License

Obtain an Accredited Domain Registrar License to provide services to register, renew or modify UAE's country code namespace (ccTLD).

Start service
Renew License of Accredited Domain Registrars

Renew you Accredited Domain Registrars License

Start service
Accredited Registrar Technical Support Service

TDRA provides the necessary technical information to the accredited registrars and respond to their inquiries through a specialized team

Start service
Renew License of Certification Service Provider

Renew License of certification service provider

Start service
Equipment Registration

Apply for "Equipment Registration"

Start service
Renewal of Registration of Telecommunications Equipment

Renew the registration and approval of telecommunications equipment in the UAE. it should be requested one month before expiry date of the certificate, or within 15 days of the expiry.

Start service
Modification of Telecommunications Equipment Type Approval

Modification of the of the type approval certificate data, if the modifications are as described in the "Service Conditions" field.

Start service
Register Telecom Supplier

Registration of manufacturers and suppliers wishing to trade in telecommunications equipment in the UAE

Start service
Modify Registration of Telecom Supplier

Modify registration of telecom equipment suppliers and manufacturers in the UAE

Start service
Renew Registration of Telecom Supplier

Renew registration of telecom equipment suppliers and manufacturers in the UAE

Start service
Cancel Registration of Telecom Supplier

Cancel your registration as a telecom supplier in the UAE

Start service
TDRA Supplier Registration

If you want to do business with TDRA, register as a TDRA supplier and receive notifications about tender opportunities

Start service
Renew TDRA Supplier Registration

Renew your registration as TDRA supplier

Start service
Electronic Invoicing System

If you are a TDRA supplier, submit invoices and follow-up on your business with TDRA electronically

Start service

Inquire about any of TDRA's services or initiatives, or follow-up on existing requests

Start service
Submit a Suggestion

Share your suggestions regarding any of TDRA's services, initiatives, or events

Start service
File a Complaint

Submit a complaint about TDRA services, service channels or others

Start service
Dispute resolution with service providers

Submit a complaint about service providers (Etisalat, du) regarding mobile services, data, landlines or others

Start service

Inquire about any of TDRA's services or initiatives, or follow-up on existing requests

Start service
Submit a Suggestion

Share your suggestions regarding any of TDRA's services, initiatives, or events

Start service
File a Complaint

Submit a complaint about TDRA services, service channels or others

Start service
Dispute resolution with service providers

Submit a complaint about service providers (Etisalat, du) regarding mobile services, data, landlines or others

Start service
Custom Release Permit for Telecom Devices

Through this service, TDRA issues custom release permits for telecommunications equipment in the UAE

Start service
Block or Unblock Websites

The prohibited content is defined as any content that is contrary to the public interest, public morality, public order, public and national security, Islam morality or is otherwise prohibited by any applicable UAE law, regulation, procedure, order or requirement, as more specifically described in each of the Prohibited Content Categories, Here. The service allows customers to request that service providers block or unblock websites violating UAE laws.

Start service
NOC for Practicing E-Activity

TDRA provides NOC for practicing e-activity to individuals and businesses that wish to practice an activity of an economic nature on the Internet in the UAE, through websites, applications or social media accounts.

Start service
Issue Wireless Authorizations

Through this service, TDRA issues wireless services authorizations to government, business and individuals

Start service
Modify Wireless Authorization

Through this service, TDRA modifies wireless services authorizations to government, business and individuals

Start service
Renew Wireless Authorization

Through this service, TDRA renews wireless services authorizations to government, business and individuals

Start service
Cancel Wireless Authorization

Through this service, TDRA cancels wireless services authorizations

Start service
New Application for Trust Services License

This service aims to issue licenses to trust service providers and qualified trust service providers in the United Arab Emirates.

Start service
Add new service in existing License

This service aims to add a new (qualified) trust service or trust service to a valid TSP or (Q)TSP license.

Start service
Renewal Application for Trust Services License

This service aims to renew licenses to trust service providers and qualified trust service providers in the United Arab Emirates.

Start service
Modify License information

This service aims to amend the administrative and technical data in the (Q)TSP License

Start service
Grievance against authority decision

This service aims to facilitate the submission of grievance against decisions or violation decisions taken by TDRA against (Qualified) Trust Service Providers.

Start service
Cancel a service in existing License

This service enable the cancellation of a (Qualified) Trust Service from a valid license of (Qualified) Trust Service Providers.

Start service

Inquire about any of TDRA's services or initiatives, or follow-up on existing requests

Start service
Submit a Suggestion

Share your suggestions regarding any of TDRA's services, initiatives, or events

Start service
File a Complaint

Submit a complaint about TDRA services, service channels or others

Start service
Dispute resolution with service providers

Submit a complaint about service providers (Etisalat, du) regarding mobile services, data, landlines or others

Start service
SIM Card Points of Sale Registration

This service facilitates registration of SIM cards Points of Sale (PoS) in the UAE

Start service
Modify data of mobile SIM cards points of sale

Through this service, the applicant can modify the details of SIM Card Point of Sale registration in the UAE.

Start service
Renew Mobile SIM Card Point of Sale Registration

Through this service, the applicant can renew SIM Card Point of Sale Registration in the UAE

Start service
Cancel SIM Card PoS Registration

Through this service, the applicant can cancel SIM Card PoS registration in the UAE

Start service
Custom Release Permit for Telecom Devices

Through this service, TDRA issues custom release permits for telecommunications equipment in the UAE

Start service
Allocate Number Resources

Allocating number resources to UAE telecom service providers

Start service
EX Post Competition Complaints

Monitoring and following-up to control the anticompetitive behavior, ending the violations that have been found, and informing the licensee "the complainant" of all the steps that have been taken to correct wrongful practices.

Start service
Price Control Request (PCR)

This service allows telecom service providers in the UAE to obtain a decision from TDRA regarding price control requests for new telecom services in order to ensure fair competition between telecom service providers.

Start service
Public Lands Allocation Recommendation

The service allows telecom service providers to obtain a letter of recommendation from TDRA addressed to the concerned municipalities to approve the allocation of a public plot of land for the construction of relay transmitters of mobile network.

Start service
Request to resolve interconnection disputes between Licensees

Resolving disputes related to interconnection or access to the network between licensees in a sequential and clear manner to settle disputes between them

Start service
Return Number Resources

The service allows telecom service providers to return unused numbers

Start service
Block or Unblock Websites

The prohibited content is defined as any content that is contrary to the public interest, public morality, public order, public and national security, Islam morality or is otherwise prohibited by any applicable UAE law, regulation, procedure, order or requirement, as more specifically described in each of the Prohibited Content Categories, Here. The service allows customers to request that service providers block or unblock websites violating UAE laws.

Start service
NOC for Practicing E-Activity

TDRA provides NOC for practicing e-activity to individuals and businesses that wish to practice an activity of an economic nature on the Internet in the UAE, through websites, applications or social media accounts.

Start service
License of Certification Service Provider (CSP)

This service includes issuing License of Certification Service Provider (CSP) for local companies in the UAE

Start service
Notification of Foreign Certificate Services Provider

Notification of Foreign Certificate Services Provider

Start service
Renew Notification of Foreign Certificate Services Provider

Renew your Foreign Certificate Services Provider Notification

Start service
Accredited Domain Registrar License

Obtain an Accredited Domain Registrar License to provide services to register, renew or modify UAE's country code namespace (ccTLD).

Start service
Renew License of Accredited Domain Registrars

Renew you Accredited Domain Registrars License

Start service
Accredited Registrar Technical Support Service

TDRA provides the necessary technical information to the accredited registrars and respond to their inquiries through a specialized team

Start service
Renew License of Certification Service Provider

Renew License of certification service provider

Start service
Issue Wireless Authorizations

Through this service, TDRA issues wireless services authorizations to government, business and individuals

Start service
Modify Wireless Authorization

Through this service, TDRA modifies wireless services authorizations to government, business and individuals

Start service
Renew Wireless Authorization

Through this service, TDRA renews wireless services authorizations to government, business and individuals

Start service
Cancel Wireless Authorization

Through this service, TDRA cancels wireless services authorizations

Start service
Equipment Registration

Apply for "Equipment Registration"

Start service
Renewal of Registration of Telecommunications Equipment

Renew the registration and approval of telecommunications equipment in the UAE. it should be requested one month before expiry date of the certificate, or within 15 days of the expiry.

Start service
Modification of Telecommunications Equipment Type Approval

Modification of the of the type approval certificate data, if the modifications are as described in the "Service Conditions" field.

Start service
Register Telecom Supplier

Registration of manufacturers and suppliers wishing to trade in telecommunications equipment in the UAE

Start service
Modify Registration of Telecom Supplier

Modify registration of telecom equipment suppliers and manufacturers in the UAE

Start service
Renew Registration of Telecom Supplier

Renew registration of telecom equipment suppliers and manufacturers in the UAE

Start service
Cancel Registration of Telecom Supplier

Cancel your registration as a telecom supplier in the UAE

Start service
TDRA Supplier Registration

If you want to do business with TDRA, register as a TDRA supplier and receive notifications about tender opportunities

Start service
Renew TDRA Supplier Registration

Renew your registration as TDRA supplier

Start service
Electronic Invoicing System

If you are a TDRA supplier, submit invoices and follow-up on your business with TDRA electronically

Start service
Internet of Things Service

A service that allows government entities and companies to obtain approval certificate to conduct Internet of Things services

Start service
Request for Linking To UAE PASS

Providing consultancy service to government entities regarding linking to the UAE Pass for purpose of digital transformation in the UAE

Start service

Inquire about any of TDRA's services or initiatives, or follow-up on existing requests

Start service
Submit a Suggestion

Share your suggestions regarding any of TDRA's services, initiatives, or events

Start service
File a Complaint

Submit a complaint about TDRA services, service channels or others

Start service
Dispute resolution with service providers

Submit a complaint about service providers (Etisalat, du) regarding mobile services, data, landlines or others

Start service
Custom Release Permit for Telecom Devices

Through this service, TDRA issues custom release permits for telecommunications equipment in the UAE

Start service
UX Experience Testing - UX LAB

This service allowed the government entities to apply for the User Experience Testing - UX Lab request provided by TDRA.

Start service
Block or Unblock Websites

The prohibited content is defined as any content that is contrary to the public interest, public morality, public order, public and national security, Islam morality or is otherwise prohibited by any applicable UAE law, regulation, procedure, order or requirement, as more specifically described in each of the Prohibited Content Categories, Here. The service allows customers to request that service providers block or unblock websites violating UAE laws.

Start service
Request exception from blocking system

Through the service, government entities can request approval from TDRA to be exempted from the blocking system applied by telecom service providers

Start service
Issue Wireless Authorizations

Through this service, TDRA issues wireless services authorizations to government, business and individuals

Start service
Modify Wireless Authorization

Through this service, TDRA modifies wireless services authorizations to government, business and individuals

Start service
Renew Wireless Authorization

Through this service, TDRA renews wireless services authorizations to government, business and individuals

Start service
Cancel Wireless Authorization

Through this service, TDRA cancels wireless services authorizations

Start service
Providing Cloud Infrastructure (IaaS)

Providing convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g. networks, servers and storage), with a centralized deployment model, compute and storage resources enabling rapid service provision and launch with minimal management effort or interaction with service provider. The overall objective is to create a more agile federal enterprise where services can be provisioned on demand to meet government compute requirements. The service provides the following features: - Data migration feature (self-service): linking the government entity with FedNet so that the entity's business can be migrated from its location to FedNet using VMware Cloud Migration tools - The entity's infrastructure must be compatible with VMware technology - VPN feature (Self-Service): The secure virtual networking (VPN) feature within FedNet cloud enables the entity's employees to benefit from their corporate services remotely. In addition, the feature can be utilized as a site to site VPN termination point for the entities to connect to FedNet.

Start service
Email as a Service

Providing Email as a service to government entities, using Microsoft Exchange This service provides a self-portal for entities to manage their mail account

Start service
Activate a Government Service on the Federal Network

FedNet provides connectivity between government entities for the purpose of exchanging and sharing data, which would save the entities the costs of direct connection with each entity independently.

Start service
Network Technical Support Service

Providing technical support to the beneficiaries of FedNet services. This service is available to the entity by default as soon as it enrolls on any of FedNet services.

Start service
Data Backup (BaaS)

Data backup aims at the protection of government entities' virtual data centers hosted on FedNet or their data. This service provides a platform for entities to manage backup processes.

Start service
Disaster Recovery as a Service

Disaster recovery service enables entities to protect the systems hosted in their digital infrastructure or on the FedNet to be protected in another location far from the government entity's location. The service provides the entity with the flexibility to protect its critical virtual systems, and reduce the overall cost. Additionally, users can implement disaster recovery drills in their environment without referring to the FedNet team, to ensure availability and compliance with business continuity standards.

Start service
Government Service Bus (GSB)

It is a system that allows government entities to exchange data smoothly and provide their services in an integrated way. The system meets the customer's needs to get the service without moving from one entity to another.

Start service
Technical Consultancy Service For Government Entities

This service provides technical consultancy to government entities to solve technical issues via expert technical teams of TDRA. It highlights challenges facing government entities and provides related suggestions and solutions.

Start service

The service provides a tool for composing surveys for the government entity. That tool enables the entity to reach the target audience and allows the public to provide their opinions easily and transparently.

Start service
Information Security Awareness Sessions

The service provides government entities with awareness lectures on different subjects of cybersecurity. It aims to make the public aware of the best practices in this field and related risks.

Start service
Private Dedicated Connectivity

TDRA provides two types of connectivity to connect government entities to FedNet. Private dedicated connectivity is encrypted and used to link government entities via a private network with high standards, while virtual private networking is made online via FedNet. Connectivity is made upon the requirements of the applicant and in coordination with FedNet.

Start service
Request to Provide Digital Participation Tools

It is assisting government entities to adopt digital participation tools provided to implement the principles of the UAE digital government. The service allows entities to use an interactive platform to develop services, policies and projects based on the feedback of the public.

Start service
High performance internet gateway

This service provides secure internet to all federal government entities through a dual internet service provider, which allows for higher productivity. This service provides a unified internet connection within federal entities. The Federal Network is the main internet service provider for federal entities, which guarantees a service availability by 99.99% throughout the year

Start service
Request for Linking To UAE PASS

Providing consultancy service to government entities regarding linking to the UAE Pass for purpose of digital transformation in the UAE

Start service
Malware Analysis

The service allows federal government entities to analyze malware and receive reports on the behavior of such software

Start service
Endpoint Protection

Providing a security system hosted in FedNet cloud services, installed in the servers and computers of the government entity. This system provides protection for the endpoints and devices of the entities by providing a mechanism that prevents the attacker from misusing servers and computers and sending alerts in the event of any hacking attempts. These systems can also be used for detecting intrusions that have already occurred.

Start service
Phishing Assessment

Measuring the extent to which employees respond to fraudulent messages, by sending fake messages and persuading them to send their private information or open links and attachments. A report is provided to the entity on who opened the email and clicked on the link, and who provided their private information. The report helps in assessing the level of employees awareness on security risks

Start service
Report a Cyber Incident

This service allowed the government entities to report an incident to be investigated by the TDRA team.

Start service
Penetration Testing

Evaluating the security practices at the level of the digital infrastructure and digital services of government entities, by searching for security vulnerabilities and trying to use them to access data and internal environment, and then providing a report to the entity about the vulnerabilities that have been discovered, in order to close them before attackers exploit them

Start service
Digital Forensics Analysis

Providing Forensics Analysis services for any devices or networks hacked or suspected of being hacked, and issuing a Forensics Analysis report with detailed information about what happened, how it happened and who did it.

Start service
Detecting Security Vulnerabilities

This service helps government entities identify security vulnerabilities in servers, networks, and websites and provide them with recommendations on mechanisms for resolving vulnerabilities.

Start service
Providing a Security Incident Management System (SIEM)

Installing a security incident management system in the technical work environments and networks of the government entity, which provides alerts about potential risks, security incidents and vulnerabilities

Start service
Internet of Things Service

A service that allows government entities and companies to obtain approval certificate to conduct Internet of Things services

Start service
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To use our online services, you need to have a UAEPass account to log in.
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