Accredited Domain Registrar License

Service Description

Obtain an Accredited Domain Registrar License to provide services to register, renew or modify UAE's country code namespace (ccTLD). 

Service Steps
Expected Time

14 working days


AED 8000

Target Audience


Service Channels

TDRA Website

Service Conditions

Meeting the requirements as specified by the Registrar Agreement:

  • For international and international companies, they must be licensed by ICANN
  • Signing a Registrar Agreement
  • Providing services as per the Registrar Agreement
  • Understanding and abiding by .aeDA's Policy and Code of Practice
  • Passing the technical and administrative requirements of.aeDA
Complication Level


Service Package


Service outcome

Renewed license of accredited domain registrars

Service Remark


Service Limitation

The service is limited to: - Local companies - Global and international companies, provided they are licensed by ICANN

Linkage to Other Services


Required Documents

  • Application form
  • Two signed copies of Registry- Registrar Agreement for each domain
  • Registrar Trade License
  • Insurance coverage for the operations and activities of the Registrar

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19/01/2023 21:44

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