Responsible for enabling federal digital transformation through supporting infrastructure and strategies and enhancing competencies that drive digital transformation to reach an integrated digital government that provides world-class, seamless and fast digital services anytime and anywhere.
Develops and implements digital transformation plans and supervises a comprehensive national roadmap to implement initiatives and projects in line with the government strategy, which contributes to achieving relevant national indicators and provides the suitable environment to reach number 1 globally in digital services.
The Policies & Programs Department is responsible for developing and executing nationwide policies and guidelines related to the ICT sector in the UAE. The department includes three sections: Policies, Planning and Standards Section, aeCERT, and aeDomain Name Section.
The Development Department focuses on overseeing the implementation and update of the digital government roadmap, increasing adoption and enablement of digital government enablers, providing common digital enablers and integrated digital platforms, developing the level of digital enables and skills, and highlighting the Digital Government efforts locally and globally and contributing to advancing the UAE ranking in the global competitiveness indicators
The Department is responsible for managing many vital tasks of the digital government infrastructure, the core of which is the Federal Network (FEDnet). The main mission of FEDnet is to provide an efficient and secure means of delivering digital government services to entities and citizens in the UAE. FEDnet is one of TDRA’s main strategic initiatives, as it provides the necessary infrastructure for digital government services, and enhances effectiveness, efficiency, reliability and security levels in order to provide shared services and solutions for both government entities and customers in the country. FedNet provides a multi-level protection environment to ensure the infrastructure security and safety, with the aim of enhancing the rates of usage and data sharing between the parties connected to the network's cloud. The department is consisted of the Infrastructure Management Section, and Cloud Service Section.
This sector manages TDRA’s telecom responsibilities such as Spectrum, telecom regulation, and technology development.
Accordingly, it comprises three departments: Spectrum Management Affairs Department, Regulatory Affairs Department, and Technology Development Affairs Department.
Develops relevant regulatory policies, in addition to managing economic & competition, consumer affairs, and licensing. It includes 4 sections: Regulatory policies section, economic & competition section, consumer affairs section and licensing section.
The main tasks of the Spectrum Management are to provide Spectrum monitoring, planning & allocation, and services. It includes three sections: Spectrum monitoring section, Spectrum planning and allocation section, and Spectrum services section.
Oversees technology development affairs through its 4 sections which are: wireless networks & services section, type approval section, telecom infrastructure & standards infrastructure section, and technology & planning section.
This sector provides the necessary support for the Digital Government and Telecom sectors to perform their tasks optimally, including corporate communication services, financial services, administrative services, and human resources services.
It includes four departments: Finance Department, Administration Department, Human Capital Department and Corporate Communications Department. The Finance Department handles the treasury management, accounting, and financial reporting & budgeting. The Administration Department focuses on general service, internal IT support, and procurement & contracts. The Human Capital manages HR planning, employee relations, and talent management. Furthermore, Corporate Communications Department manages marketing, media & public relations including managing TDRA’s website and affiliated websites, TDRA social media accounts, and customer service.
The Administration Department provides services to the customers through the procurements and contracts section. It consists of three sections: General Service Section, Internal IT Support Section, Procurement & Contract Section.
The Human Capital Department is concerned with matters related to employees. The department is divided into sections according to a set of activities that include employee training and development, performance evaluation, employee recruitment and appointment, employee management, and provision and payment of employees’ financial dues. The Human Capital Department include HR Planning Section, Employee Affairs Section, and Talent Management Section.
The Corporate Communication Department is the media arm of TDRA. Its goal is to enhance TDRA’s reputation as a distinguished authority that supervises an important strategic sector. The Department is composed of Media and Public Relations Section, Marketing Section, digital participation team, and national portal management team.
The Finance Department assumes the following responsibilities: Preparing, studying and analysing financial statements and performance reports as per the set timeframe, and preparing and approving the closing account of TDRA, Arranging the federal accounting rules and setting up the regulations and procedures related to financial records and documents, and setting action plans and mechanisms of the consolidated accounting structure, Monitoring all cash flows, expecting future trends, analysing changes and providing counselling services, Studying investment activities and suggesting strategies that TDRA should adopt, Following up, managing, revising and verifying costs, expenses and receipts, Communicating and coordinating with the Ministry of Finance regarding resolutions, laws, and distribution and optimisation of the responsibilities, Following up and responding to the reports of the Supreme Auditing Institute The Finance Department has three sections, which include Treasury Management Section, Accounting Section, and Finance Reporting & Budgeting Section.