The Computer Emergency Response Team (aeCERT) was established by Resolution 5/89 of 2008 issued by the Ministerial Council for Services. The team was established to improve practices of information security, and protect the IT infrastructure in the UAE from risks and violations, in conformity with TDRA strategy that aims at supporting and ensuring a safer cyber space for the residents of the UAE.

ae Domain Administration

It is the Regulatory Body and Registry Operator for the .ae country code namespace and ".امارات" (dotEmarat) the Arabic domain name.

It is also responsible for the setting and enforcement of all policies with regard to the operation of the .ae country code top-level domain (ccTLD) and ".امارات" (dotEmarat) as well as overseeing the operation of the Registry System.

Internet Guidelines

A list of prohibited content categories has been defined by TDRA to guide Internet Service providers in UAE throughout the process of filtering and controlling access to web content that falls under Prohibited Content Categories. Websites that are providing their service and targeting users in UAE are advised to respect the public morality in the country, as further detailed in the prohibited content categories, to avoid denial of access to their content and services.

Trust Services

As the appointed (Qualified) Trust Service Providers ((Q)TSP) Supervisory Body, the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) plays an essential role in the implementation of the national trust services framework in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

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