
Service Description

The service provides a tool for composing surveys for the government entity. That tool enables the entity to reach the target audience and allows the public to provide their opinions easily and transparently.

Service Steps
Expected Time

1 working day


Free of Charge

Target Audience

Government entities

Service Channels

Mobile Application

TDRA Website

Service Conditions

The entity must not have an account before

Complication Level


Service Package


Service outcome

mSurvey tool

Service Remark

The customer can refer to the smart database at any time to use the ready surveys or create a new survey. It also gives decision makers the ability to analyze the results and statistics after conducting the surveys.

Service Limitation


Linkage to Other Services


Required Documents

  • Entity name in Arabic and English
  • Entity short name in English
  • Government sector details
  • Details of the employee using the system (name, email and mobile phone number)

Last updated :

07/11/2023 09:39

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