Private Dedicated Connectivity

Service Description

TDRA provides two types of connectivity to connect government entities to FedNet. Private dedicated connectivity is encrypted and used to link government entities via a private network with high standards, while virtual private networking is made online via FedNet.

Connectivity is made upon the requirements of the applicant and in coordination with FedNet.

Service Steps
Expected Time

5 working days


Free of Charge

Target Audience

Federal government entities and local digital governments

Service Channels

Mobile Application

TDRA Website

Service Conditions

- Readiness of the entity's data centre

- Fulfilling the technical requirements

Complication Level


Service Package


Service outcome

Connection to FEDnet

Service Remark


Service Limitation

This service is available to federal and local government entities

Linkage to Other Services


Required Documents

Completing the FedNet Migration Form

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16/11/2023 10:32

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