Government Entities Social Media support

Service Description

The service allows federal and local government entities to get technical support related to social media platforms, in relation to:

1-  Solving issues related to the entity's account hacking

2- Renaming the account names, while keeping the account verified

Service Steps

Expected Time

2 working days


Free of Charge

Target Audience

Government entities

Service Channels

Mobile Application

TDRA Website

Service Conditions

In the case of renaming the social media account, the new name must not be used by another party. Otherwise, the application will be refused by the social media platform.

Complication Level


Service Package


Service outcome

Coordinating with social media platforms to retrieve hacked accounts and/or change the name of the account on the platform while maintaining the verification

Service Remark


Service Limitation


Linkage to Other Services


Required Documents


For assistance, get in touch through

Call: 800 12

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