
The .aeDA is responsible for the setting and enforcement of all policies with regard to the operation of the .ae ccTLD and ".امارات" (dotEmarat) as well as overseeing the operation of the Registry System.

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ICT Fund

The first of its kind in the Arab world, the ICT Fund aims to jump start innovation within the ICT sector in the UAE.

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Betha Program

Aims to enhance the national education sector by supporting UAE academically distinguished cadres to drive the country’s education in ICT related disciplines, in order to meet the increasing demand for ICT specialized national human resources.

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Esaad Initiative has been launched for the purpose of achieving leadership in ICT sector.

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Federal Network (FedNet)

FedNet was launched in line with the national plan of DGov objectives, which is in line with the UAE Vision 2021 aiming to enhance the UAE global position in various fields.

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TDRA Innovation Camp

The TDRA Innovation Camp aims at introducing the youth to the important future technologies, exploration, future shaping, and self-development skills, in line with the UAE’s strategy in the ICT field.

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The UAE Hackathon

As part of its social responsibility and within its role to develop digital government at the federal level in the UAE, TDRA has launched the UAE Hackathon.

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As part of TDRA’s efforts to provide the best services in accordance with international best practices and standards, TDRA, in cooperation with service providers, has launched "Kashif" feature, which reveals information to the call recipient about the caller ID before answering the call by displaying the name of the caller instead of the number only, even in If the recipient doesn’t have the caller’s number saved in the mobile phone.

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“Hesabati” allows subscribers to know the fixed and mobile phone numbers registered under their Emirates ID number with UAE service providers.

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International Affairs

The representation of the UAE in the regional and International forums in the required manner to enhance the UAE International position

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Digital Services Marketplace

Digital Service Marketplace offers a unique platform in the UAE with cloud services offered to the government and enterprises.

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Service coverage interactive maps

The maps are published by service providers, as per TDRA’s instructions, to display telecom services availability in the UAE.

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Computer Emergency Response Team

aeCERT was established to improve practices of information security, and protect the ICT infrastructure in the UAE.

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23/08/2023 07:50

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