Additional apps for distance learning
Additional apps for distance learning

In light of the UAE’s efforts to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the ongoing effort to support distance learning, T...

A Declaration by the TDRA on Huawei’s Products
A Declaration by the TDRA on Huawei’s Products

Due to the latest global developments related to Huawei products, challenges in its relation with Google and their impacts on the UAE local te...

Etisalat and du provide mobile internet for families
Etisalat and du provide mobile internet for families

TDRA announced that it has coordinated with service providers to provide free internet data via mobile phone to families with no home internet...

Statement by Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TDRA)
Statement by Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TDRA)

In response to a number of media inquiries, in the context of the emergency procedures taken as a response to the emerging conditions, and as ...

TDRA has published the monthly report on cybersecurity
TDRA has published the monthly report on cybersecurity

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TDRA) has published the monthly report on cybersecurity developments in the Federal Government of...

TDRA Extends the Validity of Wireless Authorizations of Hospitals
TDRA Extends the Validity of Wireless Authorizations of Hospitals

As part of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TDRA)’s efforts to support the precautionary measures taken by the UAE health sector i...

TDRA Statement
TDRA Statement

In its concerted efforts to support hospitals and clinics and enable them to provide remote healthcare services, TDRA announced that it has, i...

Telecommunications Regulatory Authority statement
Telecommunications Regulatory Authority statement

In its concerted efforts to support hospitals and clinics and enable them to provide remote healthcare services, TDRA announced that it has, i...

The monthly report on cybersecurity
The monthly report on cybersecurity

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TDRA) has published the monthly report on cybersecurity developments in the Federal Government of...

TDRA puts on hold disconnection of mobile phone service due to ID expiration
TDRA puts on hold disconnection of mobile phone service due to ID expiration

In support of "Stay Home" initiative, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TDRA) in the UAE issued a circular to the telecom...

TDRA Statement
TDRA Statement

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TDRA) has published the monthly report on cybersecurity developments in the Federal Government of...

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