TDRA Decision on the approval of QSCD in the context of the UAE Trust Services Framework
TDRA Resolution on the rules and conditions regulating the qualified signature/seal creation devices, their certification and approval, adopted pursuant to Article (21) of Federal Decree-Law No. (46) of 2021 on Electronic Transactions and Trust Services published on September 20, 2021, and pursuant to Articles (26) and (27) of Federal Executive Regulation No. (28) of 2023, is laying down the rules and conditions regulating the qualified signature creation devices and qualified seal creation devices, their certification and approval.
In order for devices to be eligible for use by (Q)TSPs or for provisioning by QTSPs as qualified signature/seal creation devices (QSCDs), the conformity of those devices with the requirements of the Resolution on the rules and conditions regulating the qualified signature/seal creation devices must be certified by TDRA-approved certification bodies, be further approved by TDRA and consequently be included in a register of TDRA-approved QSCDs.
In accordance with the Resolution on the rules and conditions regulating the qualified signature/seal creation devices, Article 7, paragraph 11, and considering the currently limited number of devices available on the market that meet the requirements set of in Article 2 of the Resolution on the rules and conditions regulating the qualified signature/seal creation devices, in particular those requirements applicable to the certification of the conformity of these devices with the Resolution on the rules and conditions regulating the qualified signature/seal creation devices, TDRA has decided to consider:
As a consequence, qualified signature devices and qualified seal creation devices that have a valid certification in accordance with the above and are listed in the list compiled by the European Commission and made available from are considered as pre-approved UAE QSCDs and may be notified to the TDRA for their approval and inclusion in the register of approved UAE QSCDs.
Stakeholders, in particular CSPs, TSPs and QTSPs established in the UAE, are invited to inform TDRA about their intention to request a device to be approved by TDRA and included in the register of approved UAE QSCDs, together with:
Requests to be submitted to the email: Trust Services <>
TDRA shall review and validate the notified request for QSCD approval within a month from the submission date. In cases where more time is needed for the review, TDRA will inform the applicant of the additional time.
In case of positive validation, TDRA will update the register of approved QSCDs accordingly. TDRA may additionally update the register of approved Certification Bodies in accordance with the Resolution on the rules and conditions regulating the qualified signature/seal creation devices.