TDRA Develops its Services in Line with the Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme


Starting with a first batch consisting of 3 services

  • Eng. Majed Sultan Al Mesmar: In line with the directives of our wise leadership, we prioritize the customer at the forefront of our operations. We listen and respond to customer feedback, incorporating analytical insights to deliver services that exceed expectations.
  • This batch includes three services: Dispute resolution with service providers, Customs release permit for telecom devices, and Modify SIM card Point of Sale registration



UAE, 2nd April 2024


In line with the Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme (ZGB), initiated by the UAE Government, the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) has unveiled the outcomes of the first batch of services developed under the second generation of services (2.0) methodology. This batch comprises three services: Dispute resolution with service providers, Customs release permit for telecom devices, and Modify SIM card Point of Sale registration.


In order to align these services with the requirements of The ZGB Programme, entailing the elimination of significant procedural steps and time reduction, the dedicated teams within TDRA executed structural revisions to the mentioned services. These modifications have resulted a notable enhancement in customer satisfaction levels. Specifically, the satisfaction rate for the Modify SIM Card Point of Sale registration service surged from 95% to 100% for the majority of months. Similarly, satisfaction rates increased from 96% to 98% for the Customs release permit for telecom devices service, and from 84% to 89% for Dispute Resolution with Service Providers service.


H.E. Eng. Majed Sultan Al Mesmar, TDRA Director General, commended the timely achievement of targets and the results that exceed expectations. He said: “In line with the directives of our wise leadership, we prioritize the customer at the forefront of our operations. We listen and respond to customer feedback, incorporating analytical insights to deliver services that exceed expectations. We remain steadfast in our commitment to The ZGB Programme, dedicated to eliminating bureaucracy across all our services and procedures. This endeavor is integral to realizing the "We the UAE 2031" vision and its pillars, particularly the establishment of a Forward Ecosystem in the UAE.”


Dispute Resolutions with Service Providers


The work teams successfully streamlined the implementation process of the Dispute Resolutions with Service Providers service, reducing the required steps from four to just one. Additionally, they managed to condense the service application form to a single field, while strategically integrating additional fields aimed at leveraging data analysis for the development of comprehensive and proactive services, enhancing customer convenience in future transactions. Notably, this service operates with a zero document requirement, eliminating the need for any documentation.


Statistics show that approximately 70% of customer disputes have been resolved upon the initial contact, marking a significant efficiency in service delivery. Introducing artificial intelligence into the service implementation stages has revolutionized the process, enabling precise classification of disputes and accurate estimation of resolution times. This stands in contrast to previous methods, where customers were informed of resolution timelines through traditional means.


Customs Release Permit for Telecom Devices


In the Customs Release Permit for Telecom Devices service, there has been a remarkable reduction of over 50% in the number of steps, fields, and required documents compared to previous requirements, resulting in transactions being completed in less than an hour.


Moreover, automatic approval mechanisms have been introduced, significantly cutting down the number of Harmonized System codes (HS Code) from 85 to just 21. This reduction has led to a decrease in the volume of requests received by TDRA. Notably, TDRA now processes more than 900 monthly applications, with approvals being granted instantly, within zero seconds.


As part of enhancing this service, automatic approvals are extended to compliant retail companies based on their size and compliance history, with a focus on controlling a limited sample of applications after submission.



Modify SIM Card Point of Sale Registration


In the Modify SIM Card Point of Sale Registration service, the process to obtain the service has been significantly streamlined from five steps to just two steps. Furthermore, numerous fields have been eliminated, reducing them to no more than three fields, a drastic reduction from the previous fourteen. Similarly, the documentation required has been condensed from six documents to just one. Transactions are now completed within a span of one hour.


These measures have notably improved the customer experience by streamlining their journey. Previously, customers were required to submit three separate requests to different entities. However, with the implemented changes, this process has been consolidated into a single request. Previously, customers had to submit their applications first to the telecom service providers ("Etisalat e&" or "Du") and then to TDRA. Now, customers can submit their applications directly to TDRA without the need to visit the service providers.


The UAE Government initiated the Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme (ZGB) as a cornerstone for a new era in government work. Its primary objective is to enhance efficiency, quality, and agility within the UAE Government. The Programme is designed to streamline government processes, reduce bureaucratic hurdles, and eliminate unnecessary procedures and requirements. Ministries and government entities were promptly instructed to implement The ZGB Programme by abolishing a minimum of 2,000 government procedures, cutting down procedure durations by at least 50%, and eliminating all unnecessary conditions and requirements within a year. The outcomes of these efforts are set to be evaluated by the end of the current year, 2024.  

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02/04/2024 14:13

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