UAE, 7th June 2023
The Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) has launched a multi-pronged package of artificial intelligence (AI) services, with the aim of enhancing digital transformation and leveraging AI, which has become one of the prominent headlines of the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which in turn will contribute to optimally employ this new technology in the field of digital government enablement, as part of TDRA’s strategic role in this context.
The pillars of the package include providing a set of AI services that supports the digital government enablers, whether on the federal sovereign cloud, or on the official portal of the UAE Government, u.ae. In the context of this package, "Name Ideas" service was launched, which is an innovative and unique initiative that allows an investor or entrepreneur to obtain a suitable .ae domain name for the commercial activity they wish to carry out, using ChatGPT.
H.E. Talal Humaid Belhoul Al Falasi, Chairman of TDRA Board of Directors, highlighted the importance of keeping pace with emerging technologies and leveraging them to enhance government efficiency and drive the process of digital transformation. He said: “Through its supervision of one of the most important sectors, the ICT sector, TDRA adopts and applies the latest technologies to enhance its role as an enabler of digital transformation in government and society, in line with “We the UAE 2031” Vision, launched by our wise leadership for the first ten years of the second fifty, which stipulates creating the most pioneering and advanced ecosystem, enhancing government performance, and developing the best agile business models in terms of results and efficiency."
H.E. Eng. Majed Sultan Al Mesmar, TDRA Director General, said: “Since the beginning of February 2023, when the Government directed the need to explore practical prospects of ChatGPT, we have launched innovation labs and internal workshops with the participation of many of TDRA’s skilled staff, and we have reached a package of initiatives that combine enhancing government efficiency, increasing customer satisfaction, and facilitating government entities’ digital transformation through the optimal use of available AI solutions. The coming period will witness the gradual implementation of many of these initiatives, with the highest level of coordination with the relevant entities at the government level to achieve maximum benefit.”
H.E. Al Mesmar added: “TDRA’s plan in the field of AI is inspired by the principles of the AI Adoption Guideline launched by the Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy and Remote Work Applications Office in early May 2023, which guides entities and individuals on how to leverage ChatGPT and enhance its uses in various fields.”
For the next phases, the package includes major updates on the official portal of the UAE Government, u.ae, using enhanced intelligence, which is a combination of artificial intelligence and human intelligence. It also includes adding many AI services to the government's sovereign cloud.
In parallel with the development of AI-supported initiatives, TDRA will announce a training plan that includes holding workshops on AI and use cases in the public sector, in addition to providing practical training to build capacities on the use of AI tools included in the package.