UAE ICT Fund announces 100 new scholarships to enhance the sector


The ICT Fund, a subsidiary of the General Authority for Regulating the Telecommunications sector (TRA), has announced that it will be offering around 100 new scholarships to a number of leading universities in the country. The new scholarships target both high school graduate students and those who have already graduated from university and wish to pursue higher education within the Information & Communications Technology (ICT) field.

The ICT Fund, a subsidiary of the General Authority for Regulating the Telecommunications sector (TRA), has announced that it will be offering around 100 new scholarships to a number of leading universities in the country. The new scholarships target both high school graduate students and those who have already graduated from university and wish to pursue higher education within the Information & Communications Technology (ICT) field.

Omar Mahmoud, Acting CEO, ICT Fund said “The ICT sector is a key economic pillar, growth driver and source of national income, which is one of the main drivers for launching the Betha scholarships program back in 2013. Today, Betha contributes to achieving the 2021 vision that aims to secure first-rate education for the new generations to lead and play an active and positive role in society. It also represents a fantastic opportunity for any Emirati student who wishes to study a subject relating to the ICT field in the UAE.

Mahmoud added: “The ICT sector is experiencing an unprecedented growth in the UAE and has witnessed remarkable change as the rate of technological developments has continued to evolve in the country. That being said, we feel that it is our job to invest in our country’s young talent and put a strategy for continuous growth. With the country being a regional leader in terms of easy access and use of internet and providing a number of quality universities, our goal is to create a positive impact through our scholarships. Further to the goals put forward by His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai to develop the ICT sector, we feel it is imperative to help spread this message and convey the importance of investing in both our people and the ICT sector as the two key pillars of growth for UAE. We will continue to promote our scholarship program in the upcoming years to ensure we leave a good imprint on the overall success of the country decades from today, which is our ultimate aim,” he added.

The Betha Program is an initiative of The ICT Fund created to enhance the stature and role of the ICT sector for the aim of promoting the general authority the sector, given it is the organizing body to promote this sector on the national level. This initiative is under one of the goals to attract our young Emirati talent, and encouraging them to work in this sector, which is considered a key focus in terms of the strategic development plans and is in line with the vision of the wise leadership in the state and indicators of expected growth by 2012. This program is a perfect opportunity to provide educational opportunities for graduate students both at B.Sc. and M.Sc. levels, and giving them the perfect opportunity to study in the most prestigious universities in UAE and across the world. The Betha Program is particularly focused on the following subject areas: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology.

The specialized areas covered by the program include ones that are relevant to the nature and essence of the work done by the TRA including network and information security, development of smart applications and software, network engineering and areas of specialty related to infrastructure networks, e-commerce, and the development of websites

For those potentially interested in the Betha Program, you can find more information, including terms and conditions online by visiting

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