Equipment Registration

Service Description

This service involves registering and approving telecom equipment in the UAE before offering and selling them in the UAE market, through submitting the required information and documents in the Type Approval System.

The service requirements vary based on the scheme of the registered device. Moreover, the types of devices are specified for each scheme according to their risk level and divided into three schemes as follows:

-          Scheme 1: Lowest risk, does not require technical test

-          Scheme 2: medium risk, requires technical test sometimes

-          Scheme 2: highest risk, requires technical test

The types of telecommunications devices according to their schemes can be viewed in the "Service Privacy" section.

To view FAQ, Click here

To view technical standards, Click here

To view equipment schemes, Click here

Service Steps
Expected Time

(1) working day for scheme 1 , (5) working days for scheme 2 , (10 ) working days for scheme 3


·         Application Review: AED 500

·         Issuing Certificate: AED 200

·         Testing depends on the device type (as per the applicant's request):

·         Emergency Broadcast Test AED 2100

·         Amateur, small boat & PMR Test AED 1400 

·         Wi-Fi AED 8100

·         Mobile Phone (3G) AED 2600

·         Mobile Phone (4G) AED 2600

·         Bluetooth AED 2700

·         Performance (IOP) AED 2100

·         eCall 6100 AED

·         ISM band & SRD/LPD AED 1400

·         NB-IOT AED 3800

·         Advance Mobile Location AED 2800

·         Calling Name Presentation AED 1700

SDGs Goal

Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure

Target Audience


Service Channels

TDRA Website

Service Conditions

Valid Register as Telecommunications equipment Dealer - TDRA

Complication Level


Service Package


Service outcome

Type approval certificate

Service Limitation

The service is for companies and manufacturers registered as telecom equipment suppliers only

Linkage to Other Services

Register telecom supplier

Required Documents

1. Official technical datasheet for all levels.

2. Test report for Radio, Electromagnetic field standards, Safety standards issued by a recognized test lab (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).

3. International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) Certificate for all mobile devices . 

4. Providing samples  

• One sample for the following equipment type:

  o Wireless LANs (WLANs) or Wi-Fi

  o Analogue Private Mobile Radio (PMR) Equipment

  o Maritime services radio

  o Amateur Radio

  o TETRA 

• Two samples for the following equipment type: :

  o Mobile phone

  o Drone

Note: Customers can request devices technical test by TDRA for a charge (check service fees)

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