Radar Systems

Service Description

The Radar authorization issued for a station that is operated defined as :

  • To determine the position, velocity or other characteristics of an object
  • Or to obtain information relating to those characteristics

TDRA issue three types of radar ( ground, maritime, and aeronautical)

TDRA Regulations on Radar can be referred for details.


Service Steps
  • 1 STEP 1

    Fill in and submit the application for frequency spectrum authorization along with the required documents

  • 2 STEP 2

    Payment of spectrum fees through the specified payment channels in accordance with TDRA spectrum fees regulations

  • 3 STEP 3

    Collect the frequency spectrum authorization issued by TDRA online

Expected Time

15 days

Target Audience

Spectrum users from individuals, businesses and government

Service Channels

TDRA Website

Service Conditions
  • Fill in the application form
  • Pay spectrum fees
Required Documents


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