Technology Trial

Service Description

Issuing Wireless Authorizations for technology trial wireless services.

Service Steps
  • 1 Step 1

    Fill-in the application form for wireless services authorization available on the website, and attach the required documents electronically.

  • 2 Step 2

    TDRA will verify the request and allocate the suitable frequency and coordinate with concerned entities (if needed)

  • 3 Step 3

    Fees payment as per the invoice and in accordance with the spectrum fees regulation.

  • 4 Step 4

    TDRA will issue the wireless service authorization and deliver it electronically to the applicant.

Expected Time

7 days

Target Audience

Spectrum users from government entities and business sector

Service Channels

Mobile Application

TDRA Website

Service Conditions
  1. Fill in the application form, attach the required documents
  2. Fees payment
Required Documents

  • A copy of the Amiri Decree of the government entity or trade license
  • A letter from the supplier containing the details of the equipment
  • Equipment booklets 

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