Cancel Wireless Authorization

Service Description

Through this service, TDRA cancels wireless services authorizations 

Service Steps
  • 1 Step 1

    Log in using UAE Pass

  • 2 Step 2

    Fill-in the wireless authorization cancellation form

  • 3 Step 3

    TDRA cancels the permit immediately upon receiving the request

Expected Time

Immediately upon submitting the request


Free of charge

Target Audience

- Individuals

- Business

- Government entities

Service Channels

Mobile Application

TDRA Website

Service Conditions
  • Fill in the application form
Complication Level


Service Package


Service outcome

Cancelling wireless authorization

Service Remark

Cancellation of wireless authorization is an automated process that takes place immediately after the request has been submitted, and it's free of charge.

Service Limitation

The applicant can submit a request to cancel the authorization at any time during the validity period and up to 30 days after the expiry date.

Linkage to Other Services

This service is linked to "issue wireless authorization" service

Required Documents


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