Mobile App Testing

Service Description

The Automated Mobile Application Testing Service that is being offered through our custom built mGOV Lab allows our Constituents to perform mobile application testing in an automated fashion combining static code analysis, dynamic analysis, binary analysis, device compatibility, load and security testing into one comprehensive report, thus enabling developers to amend errors and non-conformities in their code prior to going live.

Service Steps
  • 1 Step 1

    Click on start service and then log in using your credential or create a new account

  • 2 Step 2

    Register in our mGOV Lab platform

  • 3 Step 3

    Upload your compiled mobile application and its source code

  • 4 Step 4

    The application will be queued, tested and a report will be generated and accessible in the platform

Expected Time

1 day - 2 weeks max.


Free of charge

Target Audience

Government and Federal authorities

Service Channels

Not available

Service Conditions


Required Documents

No documents required

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14/02/2024 21:35

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