Renew Notification of Foreign Certificate Services Provider

Service Description

Renew Notification of foreign certification service provider

Service Steps
  • 1 Step 1

    Click on "start service", then log in using your credential or create a new account

  • 2 Step 2

    Fill-in the application form and attach the needed documents

  • 3 Step 3

    Review application by TDRA

  • 4 Step 4

    Receive the notification

Expected Time

Within 14 working days


  • Renewal application: 5000 AED
  • Registration of Notification of Foreign Certification Service Provider: 5000 AED
  • Request to amend registration data and documents: 2500 AED

Target Audience

Foreign institutions that provide certification service

Service Channels

Mobile Application

TDRA Website

Service Conditions


Required Documents

  1. Memorandum of Association or equivalent documents approved by the UAE
  2. The foreign CSP Statement of business activities (including activities not related to certification services if applicable)
  3. Organizational structure of the company's ownership
  4. Statement of financial resources and audited data for the last two financial years
  5. Demonstrate the availability of adequate insurance covering the operations and activities of the certification
  6. Endorsement of trustees
  7. External audit report (5 copies)
  8. Statement of practice of certification

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14/02/2024 21:35

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