
TDRA: The Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority

Websites: all websites managed by TDRA

Digital content: all written, audio and visual materials published on TDRA's websites or digital participation platforms



The purpose of the Digital Participation Policy is to provide the users with the TDRA's vision regarding what can be disseminated on public platforms. It aims to facilitate a conducive environment for information exchange and enable meaningful discussions on topics related to the TDRA's services, initiatives, and policies.

Furthermore, this policy establishes the necessary controls and rules to regulate the use of digital participation tools. It aims to clarify the procedures and responsibilities involved in this process to ensure the achievement of the intended goals.


Target audience

This policy applies to the target audience, including TDRA customers and those who have a direct or indirect relationship with the TDRA's business. The target audience include individuals, citizens, residents, and tourists who receive services from TDRA. It also includes companies of all types and activities. Additionally, government entities that receive services from TDRA, whether within the digital empowerment scope or any other scope, are considered part of the targeted audience.



The Digital Participation Policy applies to all topics, opinions, discussions, and polls that are presented and circulated through the digital participation tools of TDRA on the website or These tools include:

•          Digital consultations

•          Forum

•          The blog

•          Live chat

•          Surveys

•          Any other channel approved by TDRA


Digital participation tools

Digital participation encompasses a set of tools that serve as platforms for the public to express their opinions or provide ideas and suggestions for the development of government services. These tools are consolidated within a unified platform at the federal government level, which is the ( These tools include the following:

Digital consultation: TDRA is keen to keep the public informed and consult them on all issues that affect them. Hence, it is presenting its consultations to hear your views to use them as input for effective decision-making, which in turn would enhance people’s satisfaction and happiness.

The Blog: A blog is an article written by a specialized expert on a topic within the scope of TDRA's business. The purpose is to educate and raise awareness among the public about the latest developments in ICT and digital government.

Opinion Polls: A tool for gathering public opinions on the services and policies of TDRA. Participation in these polls is done through voting.

Digital Survey: A tool used for measuring the satisfaction of users, and may include open-ended questions to collect their comments, suggestions, and ideas.

Live chat: TDRA provides live chat service using artificial intelligence, allowing for immediate responses to all inquiries and questions raised by the public.

Contact TDRA Leadership: TDRA provides the public with a system that allows them to communicate with its leadership and submit improvement suggestions regarding TDRA and its services.


Rights and responsibilities

First: Our Commitment towards you

  • We will always address you with respect and friendliness.
  • We will communicate with you through helpful staff who has the knowledge, understands your needs and can answer your inquiries.
  • We will respond to your inquiries in a timely manner.
  • We will provide you with accurate information and procedures for proper service.
  • We will be present to communicate with you in the time and across the channels and sites that are most suitable for you.
  • We will welcome your comments and suggestions to be partners with you in the development of our services.


Second: What we are hoping to find when communicating with you:

  • Appreciation of the efforts of our employees serving you and dealing with them with mutual respect.
  • Do not ask or discuss personal topics.
  • Commitment to proper conduct and laws.
  • Do not post comments that contain inappropriate language or violate the privacy of others or abuse them.
  • Do not post any comments that breach security.
  • Do not post any information or comments that violate intellectual property rights of others or disclose confidential information.



The Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority welcomes your constructive comments and views. Your contribution will be appreciated and taken into account as one of the important references in the discussion of improvements and enhancements for our services.

Despite that TDRA welcomes any free comments and input on this platform, it has the full right to hide any content that:


  • Represents a threat to security.
  • Includes inappropriate language.
  • Violates the privacy of others or offensive.
  • Violates local laws.
  • Indecent, obscene or defamatory.
  • Includes unwanted messages or promotes any trade.
  • May be interpreted as prejudiced or harmful to any section of the society on the basis of race, colour, nationality, religion or status ... etc.
  • Includes collective or political discussions.
  • Contains a breach of intellectual property rights

Not complying with this policy can lead to blocking the participant.

Policy revision

All public contributions and submissions undergo audit and review before approval for publication to verify compliance with the terms and provisions of the policy. Any individual who violates or contravenes any of its provisions may have their contribution deleted, and in some cases, may face legal consequences in accordance with the regulations and laws applicable in the United Arab Emirates.

Policy modification

TDRA may modify this policy in accordance with the regulations and laws applicable in the UAE and in response to the rapid developments in the field of communications and information technology. Your continued use of digital participation tools after any changes to this policy implies that you have accepted and agreed to these changes and their consequences.



All contributions and discussions presented by the public are considered personal and represent their viewpoints. TDRA does not assume any legal responsibility for any misuse of the digital participation tools by users.

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