TDRA is the body responsible for managing and regulating the Radio Spectrum in the UAE as per the Telecom Law. Regulations of the Radio Spectrum include:

  • Allocating and assigning spectrum for all Radio services
  • Coordinating the spectrum and applying enforcement on spectrum
  • Representing the UAE in all international and regional forums related to the telecommunications sector

Spectrum Authorization can be obtained online through e-services, on e-services section, as the Spectrum Affairs Management has completed the upgrade of the spectrum management system, and the automation of all procedures for authorization online application.

The new fax number of spectrum management department is: 027772484

UAE National Frequency Plan 2020
TDRA Regulations for Permissible Non-Ionizing Radiation Limits
Aeronautical Radio Service Regulations
Amateur Radio Regulations v3.0
Cellular Systems Coverage Measurements Regulations
Earth Stations Regulations V4.0
Free Space Optics Regulations
Fixed Radio Service Regulations
Frequency Spectrum Fees Regulations 4.0
Guideline for Coordination of Satellite Network V2.0
Interference Management Regulations
Maritime Radio Systems Regulations 3.0
Mobile Communications OBV Regulations
National Frequency Allocation Chart 2020
Private Mobile Radio (PMR) Regulations
Radiocommunications Policy 2.0
Services Ancillary to Broadcast Production, Program Making & Special Events (PMSE)
Space Services Policy V1.0
Spectrum Allocation and Assignment Regulations 2.0
Spectrum Monitoring & Enforcement Regulations
Terrestrial Digital TV Switchover Plan
TRA Regulations for Unmanned Aircraft Radio Systems
UAE Spectrum Outlook 2020-2025 v1.0
Ultra Wide Band and Short Range Devices V4.0
The TDRA issues temporary authorizations for periods from 1 day to 90 days.

Frequency Spectrum Authorization can be obtained through TDRA website ( by following the steps below:

  1. New users have to create an account (
  2. Select the required frequency spectrum service and start filling in the application form.
  3. Attach the required documents (depending on the selected service).
  4. Settle the payment of spectrum fees as per the issued invoice within the deadline, according to the frequency spectrum fees regulation.
  5. TDRA issues the requested frequency spectrum authorization online.


All details related to Frequency spectrum fees can be found online through Frequency spectrum regulation 4.0 available at TDRA website.

Spectrum Authorization status can be checked through user account at TDRA website (

In addition, TDRA sends notifications to applicants for application status updates via SMS and email.

  • The National Frequency Plan is prepared and issued in accordance with Articles 46 and 47 of the Federal Law by Decree No. 3 of 2003 regarding the Organization of Telecommunications Sector, as amended (the telecom law).

    The National Frequency Plan is prepared in conformity with the International Regulations governing radio spectrum and the international and regional agreements concluded or acceded to by the United Arab Emirates. It includes the provision for:

    1. The designation, on the recommendation of the authority, of bands of radio spectrum for the provision of Telecommunications services over telecommunications networks
    2. The amendment of allocations to existing users of radio spectrum to allow for the development of new services
    3. The reassignment of radio spectrum on expiry of existing licenses or authorizations relating thereto

    It is the regulatory policy for frequency spectrum, aimed at enhancing the efficiency and use of spectrum. TDRA allocates frequencies to all entities, governmental and non-governmental, civil or military, as well as individuals, in accordance with the National Spectrum Plan.

    A committee called the ‘Coordination Committee’ has the competency to draft a national plan for radio spectrum to ensure the efficient and proper use of radio spectrum without any interference or jamming. TDRA may request the committee, from time to time, to review and amend the plan when needed.  

The fax number of spectrum management department is: 027772484

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