Register & Approve Telecommunication Equipment with Testing

Service Description

This service is to registered & approve telecommunications equipment in the UAE with testing, before they are sold or offer in the UAE markets, in accordance with the laws and regulations

To view FAQ, Click here

To view technical standards, Click here

Service Steps
Expected Time

Within 10 working days


Application Review: 500 AED

Issuing Certificate: 200 AED

Testing depends on the device:

  • Emergency Broadcast Test 2100 AED
  • Amateur, small boat & PMR Test 1400 AED
  • Wi-Fi 8100 AED
  • Mobile Phone (3G) 2600 AED
  • Mobile Phone (4G) 2600 AED
  • Bluetooth 2700 AED
  • Performance (IOP) 2100 AED
  • eCall 6100 AED
  • ISM band & SRD/LPD 1400 AED

Target Audience

Company Registered as Telecommunications equipment supplier - TDRA

Service Channels

TDRA Website

Service Conditions

Valid Register as Telecommunications equipment  Dealer - TDRA

Required Documents

1- Official Technical Datasheet.

2- Device picture.

3- Test report for Radio, Electromagnetic field standards, Safety standards issued by a recognized test lab ( International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).

4-  Required Samples::

  • Two samples for the following equipment type: 
  • Mobile Phone

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