Program making special Events wireless services authorization (PMSE)
Data Link (Camera Control): covers the wireless equipment used for data purposes e.g. Radio links for the remote control of cameras, telemetry, and telecommand etc.
Wireless Audio Equipment (Wireless Mic, IEM, Talkback): covers the wireless equipment used for audio / sound purposes e.g. Wireless / Radio Mic, In Ear Monitors (IEM), portable audio links, Talkback system etc.
Wireless Video Equipment (Wireless Camera): covers the wireless equipment used for video purposes e.g. wireless camera, mobile airborne video link, mobile vehicular video link, portable video links etc.
Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG): is a service used to broadcast audio and video for Events' coverage. In order to operate DSNG service, a link between the Events location and the corresponding studio is required through satellite. Spectrum authorization issued for every DSNG equipment, whether it is a flyaway (Portable) or built-in a vehicle.Services:
30 days
Spectrum users from government entities and business sector.
Mobile Application
TDRA Website
Obtain the appropriate approvals from Media Regulatory Office