TRA Represents the UAE in the Fifth GCC eGovernment Ministerial Committee Meeting


The GCC eGovernment Ministerial Committee has held its fifth meeting in the Kingdom of Bahrain with the participation of the UAE Delegation. The Delegation was headed by H.E. Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, TRA Director General, and included Salem Al Housani, Acting Deputy Director General for Information and eGovernment Sector, Nasser Bin Hammad, Director of International Affairs, Majed Al Ali and Ghaith Almazaina from aeCERT. The meeting started with the launch of the ‘IP Reputation’ system led by TRA, which is the first of the initiatives of the guiding strategy for cybersecurity and safety.

This participation took place after receiving the invitation from H.E. Lieutenant General Sheikh Rashid Bin Abullah Al Khalifa, Interior Minister of Bahrain, who delivered the opening speech in which he welcomed the participants and praised their efforts in promoting the joint GCC work in the field of smart/electronic transformation. This was followed by the speech of H.E. Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Secretary General of the GCC.

The meeting agenda included topics of common interests in the field of eGovernment development among the GCC countries as well as cooperation enhancement. Among the topics of the agenda is the General Secretariat report on the implementation of the Committee’s decisions of its fourth meeting, a similar report on the joint initiatives that have been completed, and the General Secretariat memo on proposed joint initiatives for implementation. 

Among the issues that dominated the discussions and interests of the participants is the General Secretariat memo on the extent of excellent implementation of the strategic guiding initiatives of the GCC eGovernment, which aims to enhance the role of secure eGovernment in sustainable development as well as supporting electronic integration in the GCC. The discussions also focused on the preparations of the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia for hosting the fifth edition of the GCC eGovernment Award, conference and exhibition, which will be held in Riyadh from 15-16 November 2017.

On this meeting, H.E. Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, TRA Director General, said: “we are proud to work with our brothers in the GCC to shape the joint future in the field of smart/electronic transformation. This meeting is an important milestone in a long path that we hope will contribute to achieve the directives of our leaders and aspirations of our peoples. I would like to seize the opportunity to thank the brothers in the kingdom of Bahrain for their generous reception and organization of this important meeting, something we have experienced during our joint meetings and activities.”

“The initiatives and projects discussed by the committee during this meeting reflect the interest of GCC eGovernments in coordinating efforts for everyone’s interests. These initiatives are strategically balanced initiatives such as the eGovernment Excellence Centers, studies of business continuity plans in emergencies for GCC states, initiatives of enhancing the information security framework, creating the GCC domain, the measuring model of the guiding strategy implementation of the GCC eGovernment, as well as the implementation of a number of joint eServices in accordance with studies on the local and collective needs of the GCC states.” H.E. Al Mansoori added.

H.E. Al Mansoori indicated that the importance of the system comes from the steady increase in cybercrimes monitored by GCC countries, including plagiarism, data theft and mutilation piracy and others. It is known that such crimes affect the economic performance of states as much as causing confusion and disrupt on the social level. The system includes collective deterrence measures in the GCC states to address these risks through the exchange of information or the provision of advisory services to reduce such risks, in addition to other measures.

The participants had been briefed on the Secretariat memo regarding the adoption and implementation of the guiding strategy for cybersecurity. This strategy comes in light of the committee’s relevant directives resulted from the 4th meeting of the Ministerial Committee held in Qatar in March 2015. These directives have been discussed by the GCC eGovernment Executive Committee during its meeting in 18 December 2016, and referred to the Ministerial Committee for approval.

The strategy has been approved on the ITU’s global cybersecurity agendas as pillars. The areas of action in these pillars will be addressed later, and will be constantly changing and growing according to the continuous advancement in the international electronic arena. Understanding these pillars is a priority for the planning of cybersecurity and safety among stakeholders in the GCC. 

Based on the General Secretariat memo, the participants decided to initiate the implementation of five services from the list of joint eServices as a preliminary phase. The services included:

  • Travel through the electronic gates at airports in the GCC countries
  • Entry Visa for companions of citizens of GCC countries
  • Establishment and management of commercial activities owned by GCC nationals
  • Exchange traffic violations between the GCC countries
  • Pension and retirement services in the GCC countries

The General Secretariat will coordinate with the working committees under its umbrella in relation to implementing these services, and the working team of the joint eServices, to hold joint meetings for evaluation of the approved services and develop plans and time schedule in this regard.

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22/08/2021 14:56

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