Class Authorization (Short Range Devices)

Service Description

This service covers issuing class authorization wireless services authorization.

Spectrum Authorization which allows any person to use the ultra wideband (UWB) and short range devices (SRD). TDRA Regulations on UWB and SRD can be referred for details.

Service Steps
  • 1 Step 1

    Fill in the online application form for class authorization at TDRA website and attach the required document

  • 2 Step 2

    Payment of spectrum fees as per the invoice issued by TDRA, within the specified deadline, as per the frequency spectrum fees regulation

  • 3 Step 3

    TDRA will issue frequency spectrum authorization and send it to the applicant online

Expected Time

9 days

Target Audience

Spectrum users from individuals, businesses and government

Service Channels

Mobile Application

TDRA Website

Service Conditions
  • Fill in the application form
  • Payment of spectrum fees
Required Documents


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