Broadcasting Services

Service Description

This service covers issuing broadcasting wireless services authorization.

The service includes analogue or digital terrestrial broadcasting of content intended for reception by the public via radio frequencies subject to the provisions of international and regional agreements and treaties in addition to coordination with neighboring countries.

Broadcasting wireless services authorization are:

•             FM Sound Broadcasting

•             Digital Audio Broadcasting (T-DAB)

•             Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T)

•             AM Sound Broadcasting (LW/MW)

•             HF Broadcasting (HFBC)

•             Digital Radio Mondial

Service Steps
  • 1 Step 1

    Log in using your UAEPass account.

  • 2 Step 2

    Fill in and submit the application for frequency spectrum authorization along with the required documents

  • 3 Step 3

    Payment of spectrum fees through the specified payment channels in accordance with TDRA spectrum fees regulations

  • 4 Step 4

    Collect the frequency spectrum authorization issued by TDRA online

Expected Time

7 days

Target Audience

Spectrum users from individuals, business and government sectors

Service Channels

Mobile Application

TDRA Website

Service Conditions
  • Fill in the application form
  • Pay spectrum fees
Required Documents

Obtain the appropriate approvals from Media Regulatory Office

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