Renewal of Registration of Telecommunications Equipment

Service Description

Renew the registration and approval of telecommunications equipment in the UAE/ should be requested before the end of the Approval Certificate

To view FAQ, Click here

To view technical standards, Click here

Service Steps
Expected Time

Instantly after applying to the service


·         Application review fees: AED 100

·         Issuing the certificate fees: AED 200

SDGs Goal

Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure

Target Audience


Service Channels

Mobile Application

TDRA Website

Service Conditions
Complication Level

Express service

Service Package


Service outcome

Renewed Type Approval Certificate

Service Remark

Companies or manufacturers may start the renewal process one month before the certificate expiration date, or within 15 days of its expiry date.

Service Limitation

- This service is for companies and manufacturers registered as suppliers of telecommunications equipment only - A penalty of AED 100 will be charged monthly after 30 days from the certificate expiration date, after 6 months application will be cancelled

Linkage to Other Services

Equipment Registration

Required Documents

  • None

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