TRA Engages the Public in Improving UAE Government Official Portal


The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has launched a campaign to engage the public in improving the overall performance of the Government official portal (, by providing their feedback on areas of improvement in the website in terms of design, technical features, ease of access to the needed content, search engine efficiency, and other features that contribute to the website’s efficiency. This is in line with the UAE policies in smart transformation, and public engagement in the development of policies and services.

The campaign aims to reflect the principles of e-participation and partnership between the government and the public in the development of services and policies, which leads to easy access to the needed information, meeting the needs of people of determination and improvement areas in this regards. The campaign also aims to identifying the trending website technologies preferred by customers, and correcting any errors that may exist, whether in relation to accuracy of information, language and others. TRA has allocated rewards to outstanding contributors who submit valuable comments in this regards.

Commenting on this campaign, H.E. Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, TRA Director General, said: “A few months ago, we launched the new UAE government domain “”, making it the simplest government domain to memorise, and the only single letter (U) domain name in the world. The meanings of this letter (U) reflects the focus on people by the government in its various projects, programs and future plans, inspired by the directives of our wise leadership to adopt a culture of innovation and creativity as a way to confirm our country’s leadership and society’s happiness. Focusing on people does not come only in shape but also in content. After developing the website’s form, we had to make it unique in content to meet the customers’ aspirations. Therefore, we launched this campaign, through which we aim to be closer to customers, reflecting the open-door policy, emphasizing that the portal exists to serve all members of society, as a reflection of their aspirations and desires, and a mean to achieve their happiness and satisfaction."

The campaign, which runs until the end of December, targets customers, government entities and private sector. The campaign uses many channels to reach the target groups. The channels include ChatBot, social media, E-mail, E-newsletters, Press Releases, and

The “” is the online presence of the UAE Government and contains massive information that is of interest to those looking for government services, policies, decisions and projects, as well as links to smart/electronic government services. It is considered the main source of information about the government, its initiatives and projects. The number of portal users in the first nine months of 2019 is 5,756,982 visitors, the number of site visits reached 9,418,367 visits, while the number of page views reached 15,527,799 views.

TRA rebuilt the portal in April 2017 in accordance with the latest standards. It implemented updates to cope with global developments and local needs. The portal team has conducted many user experience tests to monitor their needs and incorporate them into the business requirements of the new version in areas such as content, design, accessibility to information and services to different segments of society, especially people of determination.

The UAE Government official portal “” consists of four main sections: Information and services, about the UAE, Your voice, and Media. The Information and services section covers many topics such as jobs, investment, tourism, infrastructure and visas, in addition to a full list of government services. The second section covers the UAE history in various eras, in addition to the UAE plans and strategies for future foresight and comprehensive development. This section also covers the UAE efforts in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In the e-participation section “You voice”, many channels are available for communication with the UAE Government, including consultations, ChatBot, and others.

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27/05/2022 09:16

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