The .aeDA was established in 2007 by TDRA as a department. It is the Regulatory Body and Registry Operator for the .ae country code namespace and ".امارات" (dotEmarat) the Arabic domain name.

The .aeDA is responsible for the setting and enforcement of all policies with regard to the operation of the .ae country code top-level domain (ccTLD) and ".امارات" (dotEmarat) as well as overseeing the operation of the Registry System.

The .aeDA’s role is to:

.aeDA will continually strive to maintain best practice for the administration of the .ae ccTLD and ".امارات" (dotEmarat) as well as administer the domains in a fair and transparent manner.

Registry-Registrar Model

In line with international best practices, the .aeDA uses the ‘Registry - Registrar Model’ to provide clarity of the roles within the industry, and to provide competitive pricing, and service models for Registrants.

The roles of .aeDA Industry are as follows:

Regulatory Body (TDRA)

The organisation vetted with the responsibility of operating the ccTLD for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Registry Operator – .aeDA

It has the exclusive responsibility for maintenance of a centralised Registry for its particular TLD. The Regulatory Body and Registry Operator in some instances may be separate organisations; however in the case of the .ae and ".امارات" (dotEmarat), the .aeDA will assume both roles.

Accredited Registrars

A person or entity that, via a contract with the Registry Operator, provides front-end registration services to Registrants. These services form the public interface to Registry services.


Some Registrars use Resellers to provide customer sales and services. Resellers buy domain names and manage domain name records for their customers through an interface with their Registrar. Resellers do not have direct access to the Registry.


Individuals or organisations that register a specific domain name. This individual or organisation holds the right to use that specific domain name for a specific period of time, provided certain conditions are met and the registration fees are paid. This person or organisation is the "legal entity" bound by the terms of the relevant service agreement with the Registry operator for the TLD in question.

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22/08/2023 13:24

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