Why Become an Accredited .ae Registrar?

There are two key reasons for becoming an Accredited Registrar:

  • Registrars have direct access to the Registry database operated by the .aeDA
  • Registrars can register .ae and/or "امارات." (dotEmarat) domain names at the "wholesale" price offered by the .aeDA


What are the Accreditation requirements?

In order to be accredited as a Registrar, the .aeDA’s Accreditation requirements must be met. Registrars who apply will go through the accreditation process which includes:

  • Meeting the requirements as specified by the Registrar Agreement
  • The payment of fees (Application and License)
  • Providing services as per the Registrar Agreement
  • Signing a Registrar Agreement
  • Understanding and abiding by the .aeDA’s Policy and Code of Practice
  • Ability to pass the technical and administrative requirements of the .aeDA


Accreditation for Registrars

Registrars who apply and meet the .aeDA’s requirements will go through the accreditation process. Registrars will sign a Registry-Registrar Agreement with the .aeDA covering the technical ability to integrate with the Registry Systems, and their responsibilities as an Accredited Registrar to comply with the .aeDA’s policy. Only those Registrars who are accredited will be able to operate in the .ae name space.


What are the conditions?

  • The conditions are that the applicant should be:
  • Have a valid company trade or business license.
  • Have insurance coverage for the operations and activities of the Registrar.
  • ICANN Accredited Registrar (Preferred).
  • Have a clear marketing plan for .ae or .امارات for the first year of accreditation.
  • Work and have an experience in the domain industry.


What is the cost?

The cost of being accredited registrar with .aeDA is covering the application of 3000 AED (non-refundable), accreditation fees of 5000 AED and accreditation renewal fees of 5000 AED should be paid per year. Once the Registrar became accredited; the registrar will have to deposits the operation payment (whole sale price of a domain name) of minimum of 30,000 AED and start operation.


For more information about the roles and responsibilities of the aeDA and the Registrar, check the Registry-Registrar Agreement document.

For more information please contact the .aeDA:

Phone: (+971) 4 777 4018

Email: info@aeda.ae

Post: P.O. Box: 116688, Dubai, UAE

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